Microsoft BI Certification Course is designed to provide insights into different tools in Microsoft BI Suite (SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Analysis Services, SQL Server Reporting Services). Companies are looking for expertise in SSIS, SSAS & SSRS concepts. This course will give you the practical knowledge of Data Warehouse concepts and how these tools help in developing a robust end-to-end BI solution using the Microsoft BI Suite.
MSBI training is designed to make you a certified Business Intelligence Analyst by providing you rich hands-on training on Microsoft's business intelligence tool. This course is the stepping stone towards your Analyst journey by work on various industrial projects.
Course content
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
- Integration Services (SSIS) & ETL / DWH
- SSIS for Data Loads, ETL, Warehouse
- SSDT : SQL Server Data Tools
- SSIS Development, LIVE (Deployment)
- Data Warehouse Design & ETL Process
- DWH and ETL Structures Implementation
- SSIS ETL for Data Reads, Data Cleansing
- Data Warehouse (DWH) Design Principles
- SSIS 2019, 2017 : SSIS DB Installations
- SSIS Database, Catalog Folders, Storage
- SSIS Catalog Database (SSIS DB) Creation
- SQL Server Data Tools – SSDT / Visual Studio
- SSDT Installation and Catalog Verification
- SSIS, ETL, DWH, Data Flow, Data Buffer
- SSIS Package Environment, SSDT Projects
- SSIS & ETL Training – Lab Plan, Resources
- Control Flow Tasks Architecture, Purpose
- Data Flow Tasks Architecture, Purpose
- SSIS Packages @ Basic Data Flow, ETL
- SSIS Projects and Package Creation
- Data Pipelines in Data Flow Tasks
- SSIS Packages Execution Process
- Data Flow Objects, OLE DB Connections
- SSIS Package Creation – Control Flow
- DTSX Files for Package Execution
- SSIS Execution, Package Errors & Logs
- SSIS Transformation: Conditional Split
- Excel Connection and Memory Reference
- Source and Destination Assistants
- DAT File Imports and Annotations
- SSIS Project Configurations, Debugging
- SSIS 64 Bit, 32 Bit Configurations
- MERGE and UNION ALL Transformations
- SORT, NOSORT and Advanced Sort
- Synchronous, Asynchronous Tfns
- Row, Partial Blocking Transformations
- Fully Blocking Transformations – Buffers
- Avoiding Fully Blocking Transformation
- Bulk Load Operations, SSIS Data Imports
- IsSorted & SortKey Position Options
- SSIS Package Performance & Resources
- Data Conversion Expressions
- Fuzzy Lookup Transformation, References
- Nomatch Cleansing @ Conditional Split
- Index Creations, Lookup Transformation
- Data Conversion, Derived Columns
- Varchar, Nvarchar, Error Redirections
- Threshold Values, Search Delimiters
- _Similarity, _Confidence Columns
- Execute SQL Task and OLE DB Queries
- Transaction Options For SSIS Executables
- Precedence – Success/Failure/Completion
- SSIS Package Rollbacks Execution Options
- Checkpoints Purpose with Data Flow Tasks
- Checkpoint Files and SSIS Logging Tasks
- Transactions with Checkpoint File in SSIS
- Checkpoint Option Advantages, Limitations
- FailPackageOnFailure, Checkpoint Property
- Transaction Property, CHECKPOINT Files
- Legacy Data, Data Cleansing, Formatting
- Denormalization, Keys. Need for OLTP
- PIVOT Transformation, Connection Assistant
- Pivot Usage – Implementation. Key Values
- Lineage ID – Purpose. Data Mappings
- Lineage IDs for Column Mapping, Pivot Keys
- SSIS Input Columns and Mappings
- Data Viewer : Data Transfer Verification
- Data Type Conversions, Error Redirection
- SSIS Package Events, Validation, Execution
- PreExecution, Progress, Cleanup Events
- SSIS Events, Errors/Warnings/Information
- Configuring sysssislog System Tables
- Debugging : Data Viewers and Breakpoints
- ForEach Loop Container. File Connections
- Variables For Linking DFT, Control Flow
- Dynamic Connections with Variables
- Iterations, Fetch, Index Mapping
- SSIS Expressions for ETL and DWH
- FOR LOOP Expressions in SSIS
- Init/EvalExpression, AssignExpression
- SSIS Expressions, Functions, Values
- Data Insertions, Data Serializations
- Counter Values, Variables & Parameters
- SSIS for OS Level Operations, Loops
- Execute SQL Task : Return Values
6: SSIS with ETL, Warehouse (DWH)
- OLTP Database : Historical Data Loads
- Data Warehouse (DWH) Purpose, Usage
- Dimensions, Attributes, Members Types
- Dimension Tables, Fact Tables Design
- TYPE1 and TYPE2 ETL Implementation
- SCD Type1, Type 2 for DWH in Sales
- Inferred Members and Legacy Loads
- Initial Data Loads with Data Marts
- Business Keys & non Identity Columns
- Surrogate Keys, Alternate Business Keys
- Cascading OLTP / Stage to DWH Rows
- Fixed Attributes, Changing Attributes
- Historical Attributes. Inferred Updates
- ETL Date, Row Status Transformations
- Attribute Key Types in SCD, Limitations
- Historical Attributes and Data Delta
- SSIS Connection Assistants – Reuse
- SCD Transformations in Real-time
7: Checksum & DWH Design
- Checksum Transformation in ETL Loads
- Configuring Checksum: SSIS 2019, 2017
- Transformation Logic, Parity Checks CRC
- Checksum For Type I, Type II ETL DWH
- DWH Dimension Tables With Checksum
- Lookup Transformation, Row Redirection
- OLE DB Command and Input Parameters
- Parameter Mapping, Dynamic Updates
- Cache Transformation CAW Memory Files
- Memory Connection Lookup with Cache
- Tuning Lookup: Caching, Index Options
- Pre-ETL Activities, DB Recovery Models
- Performance Tuning and Pre-ETL Loads
- Dependent Data Flow Tasks, Post ETL
- Internal Parameters and Query Updates
- Cache Allocation Options with ETL DWH
8: CDC Transformations for DWH
- DML Audits with Change Data Capture
- CDC Tables with SQL Server Connections
- CDC Connections & ADO.NET Integration
- CDC Control Flow and CDC State Values
- State Variables, Net Changes, Logging
- Initial & Incremental Dimension Loads
- Dynamic CDC Control, OLEDB Command
- Internal Parameters and Usage Options
- Parameter Mapping For ETL Type1, Type2
- Integrating Control Flow for CDC @ ETL
- CDC Splitter – Row Inserts, Updates
- CDC Precautions, Input & Output Range
- Derived Column Transformations with CDC
- Limitations of ADO.NET Connections
- Master Child Packages,Parameter Binding
- Package Passwords, Project Parameters
- Project Configuration Options(32,64 bit)
9: Fact Table Design, DWH Loads
- Fact Table – Design and ER Model
- Time Dimensions and ETL Date / Time
- Link Time Dimension to Facts, Lookups
- Parent-Child Packages for Fact Loads
- Inferred Members for NULL Dimensions
- SCD Wizard for DWH Fact Table Design
- Parameter Mapping for Incr Updates
- ETL Load IDs – Dimension Attributes
- Error Handling, Event Handling in SSIS
- Text Qualifiers with Flat File Sources
- Fact Load Design for Initial, Incr Loads
- End-to-End DWH Design Implementation
- Direct Data Loads and Staging Tables
- Fact Table Staging and Incr Updates
- DataWarehouse Migrations with SSIS
- Using SSIS Containers, Db Integrity Task
- Pre-Database Migration Task Precautions
- Online and Offline DB Transfer Options
- Copy / Move with DWH Migrations
- SMTP : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- SQL Server Agent and Package Events
- Data Profiling with ADO.NET Connectors
- XML Files & SSIS Data Profiler Tool
- Script Task – Working in SSIS Control Flow
- Script Task – VB.NET Program Compilations
- Variables, Parameters with SSIS Script Task
- Read Only, Read Write Variable Expressions
- Expressions and Debugging, Break Points
- Variables, Parameters Mapping Expressions
- File System Tasks and Limitations
- SQLDataAdapters & System.Data.SQLClient
- SSISDB Catalog Deployments, ISPAC Files
- Package Builds, Verification, Scripts
- Project Deployment Wizard Targets, Logs
- DB Catalog Folders & Projects Creation
- Package Executions – Scripts, Reports
- Package Validations, 32/64 bit Options
- Configurations & Parameter Management
- Package Jobs @ SQL Agent. Job Steps
- Job Schedules and Notifications Event Logs
- Package Security – SSISDB Logins, Users
- Folder Level and Project Level Security
- Project Migration Utilities, Upgrades
- Package Imports, Exports with ISPAC Files
- Command-Line Deployment,Execution Utility
- Package Execution & Validation Reports
- Package Versions and Restores, Rollbacks
SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)
- Installation, Configuration of SSAS
- SSAS Component & – Operational Modes
- Multidimensional Mode : Properties, Usage
- Tabular Mode Purpose : Properties (ROLAP)
- PowerPivot Mode & Usage (Overview)
- Multidimensional Mode Instance Verification
- SSAS and SQL Browser Service Accounts
- SQL Server Data Tools / Visual Studio
- Developer Environment (SSDT) Interface
- SSAS Training Lab Plan, Resources
- OLAP Databases, Cubes For Analysis
- MDX: Multidimensional Expression Language
- DAX: Data Analysis Expression Language
- SSAS Architecture : XMLA and DMX
- SSAS Workflow and Sources in Real-world
- Data Source Configuration, DB Installations
- Cube Design with SQL Server Data Tools
- OLAP Data Source, Data Source View
- Measure Groups, Measures, Members
- Identifying Dimensions and Attributes
- Cube Design : Cube Wizard, Dimensions
- Add Attributes. Deployment, Cube Access
- OLAP Cube Process. Online Deployment
- Cube Browsing using SSMS, SSDT Tools
- Excel Connections for SSAS Cubes
- OLAP Cube Access, Pivot Charts
- Excel Pivot Tables, Chart Report Design
- Piechart Reports & Attribute Filters
- Common Deployment Errors : Solutions
- OLAP Server Impersonation – Settings
- OLAP Deployment Warnings, Solutions
- End to End Implementation of SSAS
- Data Source Views Named Calculations
- Named Querie, Dimension Attributes
- Explore Data with Data Source View
- Dimension Types : Dimension, Entity Level
- Cube Dimension on Entity Relations
- Hierarchies in Multidimensional Cube
- Grouping Attributes in Dimensions
- Testing Hierarchies : SSMS Cube Browser
- Testing Hierarchies : SSDT Cube Browser
- Multidimensional Expression Language
- MDX Queries Syntax, MDX Expressions
- MDX Axis Models. Cube into Rows
- Advantages of MDX: Reports
- MDX Queries with Attributes, Members
- MDX Queries on Hierarchies, Keys
- Members, Children, All Members
- MDX Queries with WHERE, Except, Range
- NonEmpty Function, Multi-Member Values
- Parent, Children with MDX Hierarchies
- ORDER Function in MDX, Binary Sorts
- Filter Expressions with AND / OR
- Filter with and LEFT / RIGHT Range
- MDX Query Batches – GO Statement
- Limitations @ WHERE, Tuple Inverse
- ADOMD Client : MDX Query Processing
- MDX Calculations – Creation and Scope
- Calculations with MDX : Measure Level
- Calculations with MDX : Attribute Level
- Time Calculations with MDX Scripts
- TIME DIMENSIONS – Purpose, Advantages
- Time Attributes – Calendar / Fiscal
- BI Enhancements : Advantage, Usage Scope
- Time Enhancement Attributes, Hierarchies
- MDX Functions: YoY, YTD, QTD, MTD
- Partitions : Architecture, Tuning
- Storage, Slicing. Query Conditions
- Query and Table Binding in Partition
- Aggregations – Predefined Calculations
- Full, Default, None and Unrestricted
- Measure, Default Aggregations in OLAP
- Linking Aggregations and Partitions
- Additive & Semi-Additive Measures
- Storage Modes : Multidimensional
- Aggregation, Measure Group Storage
- Automatic, Scheduled, Medium Latency
- Low Latency and Custom Scheduling
- Proactive Caching, Silence Interval
- Cache Rebuild and Processing
- Perspectives – Purpose, Scenarios
- Dimension Usage for OLAP Relations
- Translations : Creation, Real-time Use
- Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Design
- Variance Computations. Format Options
- KPI Organizer, MDX Expressions
- FORMAT_STRING and MDX Operators
- Parent KPIs with MDX Hierarchies
- KPI Browser and KPI Conditions
- Drill-Up and Drill-Down in Excel
- SSAS Deployment Build, Configuration
- SSAS Deployment Options and Settings
- Deployment Targets: Transaction Options
- Deployment Wizard : Impersonation
- Deployment Accounts, Password Security
- OLAP Cube Security Roles, Partitions
- Key Error Logs and Error Locations
- Scripting Deployment. XMLA Scripts
- Processing Options – Full, Default
- SSAS Tabular Mode : Purpose, Usage
- SSAS Tabular Mode Server Installation
- Tabular Mode Server and DB Architecture
- Tabular Mode Advantages with Data Sources
- Tabular Mode : SSDT, Power Query, DAX
- Power Query, DAX for OLAP Cube Design
- In-Memory Vertipaq Storage – Performance
- Source Data Access Flexibility with ROLAP
- Business Intelligence Semantic Model
- Tabular Mode : Developing Data Models
- Workspace Server : Integrated, Dedicated
- Workspace Server and Integrated Options
- Compatibility Levels : Tabular Solutions
- Cube Design with SQL Databases : Imports
- Workflow with Tabular Mode Cube Design
- Data Sources, SSDT, Tabular Mode Design
- SSAS OLAP Environment, Cube Reports
- Cube Design with SQL Server Databases
- Data Imports, Workspace Server Processing
- Identifying Tables (Entities) and Dimensions
- Attributes and Members and Relationships
- Measure Groups and Aggregated Measures
- Grid and Diagram Formats. Process Options
- BUILD, DEPLOY with Integrated Workspace
- Cube Browsing : “Analyze in Excel” Reports
- Tabular Mode Cube Design and Hierarchies
- DAX – User Interface and Data Types
- DAX Usage : DAX Queries, Basic Examples
- DAX Expressions and Real-time Usage
- DAX Aggregated Measures in DAX, Syntax
- Hierarchies and Levels in Cube Design
- Relations : Active,Inactive Relations
- Tabular Mode Cube : SSDT Imports
- Model Options : Process, ReCalculate
- Data Loads and Tabular Mode Explorer
- KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) & Use
- Partitions in Tabular Mode Cube Design
- Using Power Query for Partition Design
- Power Query Expressions and Data Filters
- Import Data Options and ETL Operations
- Defining Measures with DAX Expressions
- Defining Perspectives for Cube Access
- Data Expression Language (DAX) Basics
- DAX Usage : Columns & Measures in SSAS
- Auto-generated Expressions in DAX, Usage
- Member Representations in DAX Queries
- DAX Functions, Expressions, Real-time Use
- Standard and Time Intelligence Functions
- DAX FILTER(), CALCULATE() Operations
- Time Dimension and YTD(), QTD(), MTD()
- OLAP Backups – Multidimensional, Tabular
- OLAP Restores – Multidimensional, Tabular
- Detach, Attach Operations with OLAP DBs
- OLAP Database Processing, XMLA Scripts
- Cube Processing Jobs with SQL Agent
- OLAP DB Scripting with XMLA, Cloning
- OLAP DB Security Roles – MDX, DAX
- Partition Management – Split, Merge
- Cube Audits, Usage Based Optimization
- Cube Writebacks. Cube Updates with MDX
- Tabular Mode Cube Processing Options
- Direct Query and In Memory Processing
- In-Memory with Direct Query Processing
- Data Mining: Decision Trees, Clustering Alg
- Training, Testing Sets. Lift Charts & DMX
- Dimension Types: Role Playing, Degenerate
- Multidimensional – Tabular Comparisons
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
- Reporting Operations and Report Types
- Paginated Reports, Interactive Reports
- Analytical Reports & Mobile Reports
- Reporting Solutions (SSRS) and Tools
- Report Engine Architecture, Databases
- SSRS Report Server Installation
- Report Databases in SSRS and Usage
- Web Service URL : Connections, Usage
- Web Portal URL : Connections, Usage
- ReportServerDB, TempDB Configuration
- SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)
- Report Builder, Mobile Report Publisher
- Report Design : Lab Plan, Data Sources
- 3-Phase Report Life Cycle (End-End)
- Report Builder Versus Report Designer
- Report Server, Web Service Integration
- Working with SQL Server Data Tools
- Report Templates and Project, Solution
- Basic Reports – Understanding Entities
- Report Project Wizard Usage, Reports
- Data Source Connections and Databases
- Query Designer, Query Builder, Imports
- Table, Matrix Reports with Report Wizard
- Layout, Format – Drilldown Reports, Blocks
- Stepped Reports, Multi Field Drilldowns
- Report Template – Datasets & Reports
- Table Headers & Formatting Expressions
- Alternate Row Colors, Global Expressions
- Formatting Styles, Expressions, Reusability
- Expressions: IIF,Format,Ceiling,Round
- Textbox Properties: Date Format, Numbers
- Report Sources, Static/Dynamic Properties
- Grouping : Row Groups, Column Groups
- Row Groups, Parent – Child Groups
- Adding Groups to Existing & New Rows
- Group Headers & Footers, Sub Totals
- Field Visibility, Toggle with Parent
- Row Group, Header/Footer Properties
- Column Groups for Table Report, Options
- Drill-down Report, Row Groups, Visibility
- Column Group Advance Mode. Fixed Values
- Repeating Column Headers on Every Page
- Creating Parameters, Dataset Conditions
- Single Value and Multi Value Parameters
- Dynamic Parameters, Dependency Queries
- SSRS Parameters with Dynamic Conditions
- Dataset Links to Parameters, List Values
- SSRS Expressions, Global Fields, Values
- Advanced Options : Auto / Manual Refresh
- Chart Reports – Design, Properties
- Series Values and Category Groups
- Report Categories with Series Groups
- Report Category Types and Differences
- Visualizations: Trend, Discrete Chart
- Clustered, Non Clustered Attributes
- Series Labels: Properties, Formatting
- Series Actions: Multi – Valued Parameters
- Report Actions: URL, Report Filters
- Dashboards : Creation and Real-time Use
- Multiple Chart Areas, Legends in Charts
- Dashboard Exports and Report Filters
- Static and Parameterized Report Filters
- Series, Markers Chart Areas, Limitations
- 3-Dimensional Report Properties, Visibility
- Range Charts, Data Bars, Area Charts
- Report Actions with Parameters, Joins
- Dataset and Toolbox Filters, Bookmarks
- Filters Vs Parameters – Difference
- Filter Conditions in Dataset, Toolbox
- Shared Data Sources, Shared DataSets
- Date-Time Expressions with RDL Files
- FORMAT Function in SSRS, Parameters
- Data Type Conversions, Int / String Types
- String Functions, Page Breaks in SSRS
- LOOKUP Function, Dataset Joins in SSRS
- Field Value Replacement with Datasets
- Using LIST Item from SSRS Toolbox
- Field Expressions and Field Properties
- 3D Pie Charts, Funnel and Tree Map
- 3D Funnel, Sunburst, Shape Charts
- Doughnut, Pyramid, 3D Pyramid Reports
- Parameterized Gauge Reports – Filters
- Indicators : Value, State Expressions
- RDL Expressions, Custom Functions
- Report Builder Installation & Usage
- Differences with Report Designer Tool
- Data Source Creation with Report Builder
- Dataset Creation with Report Builder
- Dataset Design with Parameters, Filters
- Query Designer with Report Builder
- Toolbox Items Insertion and Properties
- Column Aggregates, Auto Group By Edits
- Adhoc Reports with Column Groups
- Dynamic Row Colors, Report Expression
- Gauge Reports: End User Access
- Report Types – Radial, Linear Gauges
- Indicators, Pointers, Scale Ranges
- Browser Compatibility, Offline Reports
- Gauge, Gauge Panel Properties, Filters
- Scale Properties, Values, Label Options
- Ranges & Labels, Items, Needle Options
- Parameterized Gauge Reports, Datasets
- Map Reports – Map Layers and Map Items
- Map Gallery – ESRI Share Files (Geo Data)
- SQL Server Data Sources, Geo Spatial data
- Business Analysis Dashboards For Maps
- Polygon, Tile, Line and Point Map Layer
- Map Visualization and Bubble Map Reports
- Data Fields, Labels, Visualization Indicators
- Fields to Visualize, Color Rules and Labels
- Editing Report Builder Reports in Designer
- SSRS Deployment: Report Designer Reports
- SSRS Deployment: Report Builder Reports
- Report Deployment – Builds, Config Files
- Webservice URL, Webportal URL Access
- Data Source, Data Set Folders, Report URL
- Deployment of Shared Data Sources
- Deployment of Shared Datasets, Reports
- Report Manager Uploads for RDL Files
- Data Source Management, Subscriptions
- Dependant Items, Security Operations
- Edit Shared Data Sources in Web Portal
- Shared Data Source Enable and Hide
- Connection Types, Edits and Security
- Shared Dataset Operations: Report Edits
- Data Preview, Downloads, Link Reports
- Report Security: Browser Role, User Access
- Content Management, My Reports, Publisher
- Report Builder, Report Definitions, Uploads
- Report Tuning: Caching, Rebuilds, Refresh
- Report Tuning: Report Snapshot, Schedules
- Subscriptions: Standard and Data Driven
- Email and File share Subscriptions in SSRS
- Schedules and Report Delivery Options
- Report Server Settings, Shared Schedules
- Report Timeout, Report Parts and Publish
- Report Builder Sub Reports, Report Parts
- Mobile Reports : Creation & Usage
- Excel and Report Server Sources
- Working with Mobile Report Publisher
- Elements Layout: Master, Tablet
- Grids and Color Palette. Deployment
- RSMobile Formats: Uploads, Downloads
- Shared Dataset in Report Builder Tool
- KPI Reports: Design from Web Portal
- KPI: Value, Goal, Status, Trend
- KPI Visuals: Bar, Line, Step, Area
- Custom URLs and Mobile Reports
- Cube Reports with SSAS MDX, DAX
- SSRS Cube Reports with Parameters
- MDX Default Parameters, Options
- SSAS OLAP Cube Actions with SSRS
To see the full course content Download now
Course Prerequisites
- There are no prerequisites for MSBI training. Basic understanding of RDBMS would be an advantage.
- Basic knowledge over Data Warehousing and SQL Server
Who can attend
- Business Intelligence is one of the accelerating and most promising fields in considering all the technologies available in the IT market today. In order to take benefit of these opportunities, you need a structured training with an updated curriculum as per current industry requirements and best practices.
- Besides strong theoretical understanding, you need to work on various real-life BI projects using different Microsoft BI tools and concepts as a part of solution strategy.
- Additionally, you need the advice of an expert who is currently working in the industry tackling real-life Analytics challenges.
- Software or Analytics professionals having background/experience of any RDBMS, ETL, OLAP or reporting tools are the key beneficiaries of this MSBI course.
Number of Hours: 40hrs
Key features
- One to One Training
- Online Training
- Fastrack & Normal Track
- Resume Modification
- Mock Interviews
- Video Tutorials
- Materials
- Real Time Projects
- Virtual Live Experience
- Preparing for Certification
DASVM Technologies offers 300+ IT training courses with 10+ years of Experienced Expert level Trainers.
- One to One Training
- Online Training
- Fastrack & Normal Track
- Resume Modification
- Mock Interviews
- Video Tutorials
- Materials
- Real Time Projects
- Materials
- Preparing for Certification
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